Saturday, April 23, 2011

Push Ups!

The At-Home Challenge for this week is 20 push ups per day.  You can do them on your knees, on a wall or on your kitchen counter.  The video shows 10 push ups with good breathing cues so just follow along with it twice.

Keep up the GREAT work!


Monday, April 18, 2011

The Hundred Beats

Here is the first In Balance Pilates Studio video!

Just follow along everyday this week and you'll earn a bonus sticker for the challenge!

Health and happiness,


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Our first blog post!

Hi everyone!

I am so excited to start this blog!  I will use it to post short at-home workouts, helpful tips for fitness and health and In Balance news.  Become a follower and you'll receive emails whenever the blog is updated. 

Thanks for reading!!!

Health and Happiness,
